

发布时间: 2024-05-17 12:07:38北京青年报社官方账号





As for the Hengqin New Island FTZ in Zhuhai, in the past four years it has been transformed from a deserted island to a modern town, whose GDP grew from 6.8 billion yuan in 2014 to 24.51 billion yuan in 2018.


As Zhou described, the vessel will be a floating city equipped with the latest technologies to make passengers safe and comfortable, and make the vessel environmentally friendly and to reduce noise as much as possible.


As a key project of State Grid critical to the UHV ring grid in North China, the project adopted UHV AC technology which features long-distance large capacity transmission and will transmit abundant clean power from Zhangjiakou to the load center of Xiong'an New Area of Hebei province without burdening Beijing's 500 kV ring grid. After entering operation, it will deliver more than 7 terawatt hours of clean power to Xiong'an every year, achieving 100 percent clean power supply for the new area.


As a pioneer in China's LNG sector, CNOOC built the country's first LNG terminal in 2006. It now operates nine LNG terminals nationwide. Only one, the Tianjin LNG terminal, is located in the north, but it is already operating at full capacity. The rest are scattered in southern regions, including Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan provinces, and Shanghai.


As a leading hospital in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pulmonary hypertension in China, China-Japan Friendship Hospital plans to formulate standards on the diagnosis and surgical treatment of the disease that suits China’s conditions, so more patients with the disease can benefit with the promotion of the standards, Zhen said.


